Welcome to NYC-Playtest!

NYC-Playtest is a group for New York City board game designers. We meet regularly to help each other with designs.

We meet every Tuesday night and Saturday morning to exchange playtests of our games. Our regular meetings are generally at Whole Foods in Tribeca, in the cafeteria on the second floor. We’ll occasionally schedule meetings in the greater New York area too.

You don’t have to have a game design to join us. You just need to be willing to test prototypes and offer feedback. You can join us here.

Here is our Code of Conduct.

Here is a current (and growing) list of published games that we playtested.

Here is our Discord Server. This is our main method of communication and scheduling. If you’ve never used Discord before, it’s a simple chat app that you can use in your browser or on your phone, for free.

Once you’ve joined our Discord Server, you’ll want to check out the #rsvp channel. We have a few other channels you may want to consider joining:

#events – Talk about upcoming conventions, from small local events like Dexcon to large international events like Gen Con.
#pitching – Ask and answer questions about pitching to publishers.
#proto-feedback – Give and get further feedback about games tested at NYC-Playtest.
#self-publishing – Ask and answer questions about self-publishing and Kickstarter.

See you soon!

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